26 September 2012

CQ@10 book feedback

The new book I designed for Contemporary Quilt has gone down very well (and more importantly sold well) at the Festival of Quilts this summer.

Since the book was published, its been lovely to have such a positive reception:

[The book] arrived today and looks very professional.

... fantastic looking cover, and it's really whetted my appetite now for a copy, or two or three!

What a good advertisement [for Contemporary Quilt]! Could you pass on my congratulations to Jane for such an excellent design.

If you would like your own copy via mail order, please contact Contemporary Quilt through their website

21 September 2012

Maiden Erlegh workshop pictures

Some lovely work produced by the GCSE art students at Maiden Erlegh school last week. Here are just a few pictures.
Transforming images with momigami techniques.
Embedding text with a silk paper making technique - the silk fibres are the cream that surrounds the found words, and this could also be stitched or painted.
Weaving fabrics and securing them to a background with Bondaweb.

Weaving with crisp packets and then fusing them with an iron. Also (in the background) creating texture with the iron on crisp packets and stitching into them.

Stitched image combined with words embedded in Angelina fibres. Love the glasses!

Mixing fabrics, texture and words with stitch.

Angelina experiments making tubes, beads and embossed designs.

Stitched image

Exploring peer pressure, through images applied to a primary school sweatshirt

3-d box constructed through strengthening paper with iron-on interfacing and Angelina fibre, then stitched.
Transforming photographs by layering with Angelina fibre

Work in progress! Thanks again for making me so welcome.

17 September 2012

Thank you Maiden Erlegh

A big thank you to Maiden Erlegh School for making me so welcome on Friday - everyone worked so hard! The students have been researching issues that are important to them, and we explored how to incorporate text into mixed media/textiles. We used Angelina fibre, silk fibre, Bondaweb and iron-on interfacing as well as recycled fabrics and papers.

Pictures to follow ....