30 March 2011

All that remains exhibition

The opening night at the 'All that remains' exhibition. Thank you to Gemma for the pics, because I forgot to take my camera.

I went back with my camera to take pictures of my new piece 'Stalks' because I haven't got anywhere handy to hang them at home. But it wasn't very easy to photograph in the window. Difficult light, or difficult positioning of window frames, doors and bollards out in the street!

I like the silhouette view of the knobbly texture, but a view where you could see the structure of the whole wasn't easy. Here is a detail.

19 March 2011

Fashion fixers

Looking forward to supporting the Fashion Fixers event which is happening next weekend (26/27th March) for young people with the Missed Out youth forum at South Hill Park in Bracknell. The weekend is billed as 'The Apprentice meets Scrapheap Challenge' while upcycling fashion to raise money for the 125 Project from the Kerith Centre, a charity set up to build a dormitory for young girls in Zambia to keep them safe while they finish their education away from home.

09 March 2011

ReOrsa Project No 5 - Wokingham

"ReOrsa, an artist-led initiative, are pleased to announce that they will be exhibiting a selected group show at the More Arts space in Wokingham town centre. The exhibition curated by Tonia Maddison, a Bracknell based artist, is a selection of work of artists from across the Thames Valley who have responded to the theme ‘All that Remains’. Tonia explains, "All that remains suggests a residue, something left over or abandoned, the remnants of time passing, of erosion, decay; it also suggests the changing form of things, transformation of something that seemed transient or even something that once seemed permanent, immutable"
 10 - 26 March 2011,
Wednesday to Saturday, 11am - 4pm
More Arts, Wokingham
43c Peach Street

In my new work old clothes and remnant materials have been transformed into new structures, seemingly solid and tangible. Yet they are also hollow, set to unravel and wither away. What were these materials in their past lives before they became waste? Have they become more or less than they were? Pictures to follow when the exhibition opens on Thursday...

02 March 2011

At Play 3 - South Hill Park

I have been selected for At Play 3 in the Bracknell Gallery at South Hill Park, Bracknell, Berkshire. My proposal is a complete change for me in that it is's going to be an installation piece. It explores the obsessive side of a child putting together a scrapbook of old photographs dating from WWII.

Previous At Play exhibitions in 2009 and 2010 have been successful and popular shows at South Hill Park, and I'm looking forward to being part of the 2011 event from 17th April to 19th June.
Images of the previous shows can be seen on Cally Trench's website - the curator of the exhibitions, along with Outi Remes of the Bracknell Gallery itself.
In the meantime, best get busy ... I've got lots to do to develop my piece ready for show!