01 October 2012

Find New Ashgate Gallery in Farnham

I love drawing maps. A long time ago at the start of my career I used to draw loads and loads of location maps for housebuilders such as Alfred McAlpine, Bellway and Bewley Homes. So its always a pleasure to get back into it and I was asked by the New Ashgate Gallery and shop to create a new map to use on their website and brochures.

The one-way system of Farnham is a challenge at the best of times (I have got myself lost more than once), but I have simplified the map and shown the key roads for finding both car parking and the Gallery and shown the directions of the one-way system with an inset.

(Click on the image to see the map at full size.)
There are some beautiful objects in their Autumn Craft Collection and if you don't manage to visit in person (navigating by my new map of course), you can buy online.